G8 English club meeting, 16+

Legal Riddles in the Dark

Практика английского языка в разговорном клубе G8 English club каждые вторник и четверг
In this meeting, we're going to look at some unusual criminal cases.

What happened to Helen that rainy night. Was it a crime or a blessing?

Let's find out

What should Tommy and Frank say to Ray's wife?

Is Garrett guilty of murder and what do ghosts have to do with it?

Приглашенный спикер



Ilya Chernyavskiy

Free of charge

Sochi Youth House,
9 Navaginskaya str., 2nd floor, "Tochka rosta" room (entrance from the Shopping gallery)

Thursday, Thursday 21th
from 19:00 till 20:20 (MSK)

Meeting details

By registering, you give your consent for us to film and take photos of you during the meeting and share your image (in video or photo form) on our website or social media pages.

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