G8 English Club meeting

AI in Everyday Life

Практика английского языка в разговорном клубе G8 English club каждые вторник и четверг

AI and Machine learning are changing the world around us right now. So what could we expect in the near future?

During the meeting
  • 1

    Learn more about AI technologies and models

  • 2

    Have a look at a few examples of AI and its areas of application

  • 3

    Discuss some probable trends

Приглашенный спикер

Has been working in Information Technologies industry for 25 years


Denis Pervushin

Main area of interest is management in IT

Free of charge

Youth House, 9 Navaginskaya St., auditorium on the 1st floor (entrance from the Trade Gallery)

Thursday, May 23rd
from 19:00 till 20:20 (MSK)

Meeting details

By registering, you give your consent for us to film and take photos of you during the meeting and share your image (in video or photo form) on our website or social media pages.

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