G8 English Club meeting

Traditions of Hospitality of Different Nations All Over the World

Практика английского языка в разговорном клубе G8 English club каждые вторник и четверг
At this meeting, we will learn

  • 1

    Names of 5 most hospitable countries

  • 2

    Names of 10 most hospitable nations

  • 3

    Non-standard, but valid traditions of welcoming guests in the world

  • 4

    Who is more hospitable, the West or the East

  • 5

    How to be a welcome guest in an unfamiliar country

Приглашенный спикер

Hospitality business coach


Valeriya Pronina

Graduated Swiss University of Hotel Business

Traveled to more than 30 countries

Free of charge

Youth House, 9 Navaginskaya St., the big auditorium on the 1st floor (entrance from the Trade Gallery)

Thursday, June 27th
from 7:00 to 8:20 pm

Meeting details

By registering, you give your consent for us to film and take photos of you during the meeting and share your image (in video or photo form) on our website or social media pages.

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