G8 English club meeting

Journalism As A Career And Personal Journey

Практика английского языка в разговорном клубе G8 English club каждые вторник и четверг

What is the most common use journalism slang around the globe?

What do you know about journalism? What you don't know?

We will discuss

What are the best techniques for finding the information?

Journalism in different countries: what's the main differences?

Best examples of jounrnastic matherials of all the time

Приглашенный спикер

Journalist and traveller, specialized in writing articles, finding the information, learning and teaching languages: English, Russian, German


Elisaveta Ushan

Have been in four countries: Turkey, Egypt, Greece, Italy

Free of charge

Sochi Youth House, 9 Navaginskaya str., 2nd floor, "Tochka rosta" room (entrance from Navaginskaya street)

Thursday, February 29th
from 19:00 till 20:20 (MSK)

Meeting details

By registering, you give your consent for us to film and take photos of you during the meeting and share your image (in video or photo form) on our website or social media pages.

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