G8 English club meeting

Psychology of Beauty

During this meeting, we will

  • Discover what the term ‘Beauty’ means;
  • Learn how we decide if someone’s pretty or not;
  • Find out if beauty is only about looks or there’s more to that;
  • Discuss 'pretty privilege' and lookism;
  • Learn what halo effect and body dysmorphic disorder are.

  • Valeria Krasilnikova
    an attractive person, a practicing psychologist and gestalt-therapist

Meeting details
  • Tuesday, January 28th
    from 7:00 to 8:20 pm
  • "Spot" co-working area,
    43A Gorkogo St.
  • 500 rub.

By registering, you give your consent for us to film and take photos of you during the meeting and share your image (in video or photo form) on our website or social media pages.

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